What is the meaning to life? (This is going to be a long blog post)

What is the meaning to life? (This is going to be a long blog post)

Oooh I love this question. I love it for many reasons. It’s not that I love answering this question for other people or that people even ask me this question, in fact the only one that has ever asked me this question is none other than myself. It’s crazy because of all my eighteen years of living I’ve never found an answer to this question.

I remember watching this movie as a child called “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and it took a super computer, named Deep Thought, seven  and a half million years to calculate this ultimate question. And after seven and a half million years of calculation Deep Thought’s answer was…42. It made no sense to me, it was such an enigma that eluded my tiny brain at the time and I just gave up on the question itself. But recently I realized that humcore is exactly like thinking about the most important question in the universe.

If by some random chance you happen to stumble into my blog because you decided to take Humanities Core in UCI then I got some good news for you. Humanities Core will definitely help you to think critically and question everything. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from HumCore is the process of being self reliant and thinking for myself. It’s important to take every piece information with a grain of salt.

Back when I was learning about slavery earlier this quarter I learned how to think. That might have sounded like a stupid statement but it’s true I learned how to think. I learned how to take information and make connection. The topic of slavery isn’t just a flat piece of information it’s three dimensional. You can’t just memorize all of the lectures and expect to pass. You have to make connections and figure stuff out for yourself. You have to trust yourself when making these connections, it’s up to your opinion BUT your opinion requires a warrant, an explanation, a reason.

So what is the meaning to life? Well that’s ultimately up to you. It’s whatever you think it is and whatever you want it to be, just have a warrant.

One thought on “What is the meaning to life? (This is going to be a long blog post)

  1. Hi Kurt! I really enjoyed this blog post about “the meaning of life”. When I first started reading it, I had the intention that you were actually going to end up telling us the answer of this complex question with just one answer, and I was really curious as to what it was going to be. But of course, the end result of it was more practical, it really does depend on each person and what the meaning of life means to them. I agree with how hum core changes a person’s way of thinking, everything is not black and white there is a lot of grey matter in between that you need to truly think and analyze about.


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